Essential Asset Management, LLC
Essential Asset Management, LLC

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Steve Daglio and Betsy Vallone Daglio are co-owners, principals, and partners of Essential Asset Management, their fee-based investment advisory firm in Norwell MA. Together, Steve and Betsy have twenty-six years of experience working in financial services, providing investment strategies for individuals, small businesses, academic and medical institutions, and even other financial advisors.
Both are passionate about the industry, their integrity, and about providing outstanding service to their clients- a combination which has led to their success and growth not only as an independent financial planning firm, but as business partners as well.
On the homefront:
Betsy and Steve have a eighteen month old daughter named Mia Elizabeth who loves to entertain and make people laugh. They also share their home with a very loveable yet sometimes neurotic rescue dog, and two fun-loving, yet feisty feuding felines.